Taking a step back this week
Hi all, I just don’t feel like there’s a need for me to bombard people with self-serving humor this Sunday, so Cracks will sit on the back-burner until next week.
I’ve been thinking a lot about ways I can be more supportive of the community I live in, and I don’t really have some sort of definitive answer of how I can be a less shitty white lady, but I should treat dismantling my own internal racism as an ongoing deprogramming.
Anyways, the easiest, quickest way to help right now is $. It sounds like a lot of various bail funds have received such an outpouring of donations they’re encouraging (at least in the case of the Brooklyn Bail Fund) people to donate to other worthy orgs. However, people are still going to need bailed out long after this, so why not set up a recurring donation?
And since this is long-game, cannot stress enough how important Mutual Aid groups have been during the pandemic. I volunteer with the Ridgewood Mutual Aid Group, and they do great work. I promise if you donate to them, the money will be going to where it is desperately needed most right now in my neighborhood. If it sweetens the deal at all, if you donate to them, send me a screenshot and I will send you a personalized CUSTOM pigeon portrait that you can keep for centuries to come.
Stay safe y’all and, I cannot stress this enough, COPS ARE GARBAGE.