I never feel more peaceful than when it’s late at night and you’re walking across a super wide four lane street, and no one is driving down it. I feel like I own the world!
Also…Hi! This is a shorty newsletter and I’ve been bad at being regular in getting this out, but I promise some more hefty musings will be coming soon!
Theme music for this newsletter
If there was any justice in the world this would be THE song of summer:
Pigeon Report
Wow! You guys! They found some primordial pigeons in Scotland!
“Oh, that’s cool do they look different than the normal pigeons we see every day of our damn lives?”
Umm, well, no.
“Is there something special about them?”
They’re uhhhhhh…they’re called rock doves?
Grade: B- I’ll take a rock dove over a pigeon, just on principal.
Are you okay? Checking in on my favorite d-listers
The girl on everyone’s lips this week were those latest photos from NASA’s fancy telescope camera-thingy. I don’t want to sound rude but like…those are stars, they are exactly like all the stars I’ve seen in art, film, and other photos and I’m not sure what’s revelatory here? I really am not trying to be difficult!!! For once!!! I just…it’s a nice image but like, yeah, those are just regular pretty stars? Honestly this looks fake to me. Some guy at NASA was just bored and went wild with his deviantart account.
Okay, so I started doubting myself and went to go read more about the photos and its images of the birth of a star. That’s cool! But also, space in general looks cool, and I feel like I’m missing something?
Anyways, here’s a birth of a star photo that we can all agree is iconic:
Answer: I mean, the star in the NASA photo is dead, so probably not having the best week, but space is doing great!!!
The weirdest shit I saw on Craigslist recently
I’ve read through this description 16 times and I’m pretty sure this is the best poem I’ve ever read?
If you know me, you know I love picking up random new crafts, not getting very good at them, but having a very goodly time. My latest thing I’ve decided to get into is papier-mâché which you know is an actual art form because the word has fifty umlauts and whatnot. I thought maybe it would be difficult to do again, since I last did it when I was like…10? But turns out, no, it’s easy, gloopy, and gross, and I can still watch Law and Order SVU at the same time. Am I good at it? That question is rhetorical. Who is GOOD at anything, anyways? But I do enjoy it, and as someone who can’t carve, it’s the closest thing I must making something from scratch.
I made this little sculpture to hold my many bangles, cute, right? Though I worry, is it cute, or does this look like a 5-year-old made it? Don’t answer that.